
What We Do

Our environmental team has achieved a notable reputation throughout California by combining our broad knowledge of local and statewide regulations and compliance strategies with our expertise in innovative and sustainable solutions. Applying our value-based, ground-breaking, and creative environmental approaches is customary to every project we work on. 

PCE has vast experience preparing documents that are compliant with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as associated special studies subject to review and approval by agencies such as Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and has extensive experience working with both agencies’ procedures.

We employ innovative field methods to streamline investigations and reduce analytical costs, while also providing effective regulatory interaction with appropriate agencies.

Our Expertise:

  • CEQA/NEPA Technical Studies
  • Site Investigation Due Diligence
  • Environmental Impact Reports and joint EIR/Environmental Impact Statements
  • Mitigated Negative Declarations and Negative Declarations
  • Phase I and II Site Assessments
  • Indirect Source Review Consulting
  • Special Environmental Studies
  • Cultural Resource Studies
  • Air Quality Analysis
  • Noise Analysis

CEQA/NEPA Environmental Assessments and Technical Studies

PCE prepares environmental documents for development and public improvement projects per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). We have extensive knowledge of the potential legal and technical challenges that could arise in the environmental planning process.

    Our Services:

    • Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration Preparation
    • Coordination of the CEQA process
    • Coordination of the NEPA process
    • Preparation of required technical studies
    • Review and Analysis of technical studies
    • Mitigation Monitoring/Compliance Verification
    • Consultation on type of analysis required and preliminary environmental review
    • Third-party review of environmental documents prepared by others
    • Tribal Consultation
    Biological Permitting and Planning

    Issues related to biological services are becoming increasingly important. The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), as well as other agencies, requires assessments of impacts on wildlife habitat, endangered species, and vegetation for many construction and development projects. PCE prepares biological assessments, impact analyses, endangered species and biological surveys, and wetland delineations in compliance with the requirements of the Department of Fish and Game, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Fish and Wildlife Service.


    Biological Assessment and Impact Analysis

    PCE conducts biological assessments per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We also prepare baseline surveys including wildlife, habitat, botanical, and fishery biological assessments for construction and property acquisition.


    Endangered and Special Status Species Surveys, Wetland Delineation

    PCE conducts specific surveys and/or development mitigation plans for federal and state-listed threatened or endangered species. Our specialists also perform surveys to identify and delineate wetlands and waters of the United States.


    Regulatory Compliance and Permitting

    PCE prepares detailed wetland delineations at a level sufficient for verification by regulatory agencies. We also assist with environmental impact consultation (CEQA/NEPA) and in preparing permit applications and agency permits, including Clean Water Act Section 404: Nationwide and Individual Wetlands Permits (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers); Clean Water Act Section 401: Water Quality Certifications (Regional Water Quality Control Board); and Streambed Alteration Agreements (California Fish and Game Code Sections 1601 and 1602).


    Construction and Mitigation Monitoring

    PCE can conduct pre-construction surveys and provide construction monitoring for a variety of projects involving listed or special status species and sensitive habitats. We can also prepare mitigation and monitoring plans for evaluating the success of mitigations to sensitive habitats and special-status plant and animal species.

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    Planning & Entitlement


    Land Surveying

    Civil Engineering

    Geographic Information Systems

    Water Resources

    Landscape Architecture

    Construction Management