Over the past year, PCE’s Planning Division has worked with the City of Merced – Community Development Department and Thom Black, Architect to establish the City’s Pre-Approved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program. The Program is made possible by a SB 2 Planning Grant and is part of several City efforts focused on encouraging infill housing and increasing housing choice for residents. The City of Merced’s Pre-Approved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program is an optional and voluntary program that provides 3 pre-reviewed and pre-approved, plan sets including sizes 498, 749, and 1,190 square feet for detached ADUs so that anyone can choose a plan set, pay their permits, and build, ultimately reducing the cost and timeframe for the ADU design and permitting process. The Program is supplemented by a Homeowner’s How-to Guide to ADUs, ADU Design Model Workbook, and Build Your ADU Informational Handout. These resources are available to homeowners in the City of Merced to utilize as they navigate the ADU process.